Sunday, December 24, 2017

Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!

I am no Grinch, no Ebenezer Scrooge. Anyone who knows me, knows that Christmas is my FAVORITE time of year. I am all about the traditional carols, mistletoe in my car, tree up a few days after Thanksgiving, gift shopping, baby Jesus hiding while the rest of the nativity scene is set up, midnight mass going, so on and so forth. I enjoy the spirit of the season to it's fullest, the season of joy, hope, giving, and the greatest love. 

Last Christmas I was stumped. I was unsure of what to buy for all of my loved ones and I was having a really hard time deciding whether gift cards were too impersonal or if I could afford to buy everyone everything I really wanted to get them. I was stressed, worried that even if I went through with purchasing gifts they wouldn't be well received. In a conversation a few weeks before Christmas, my boyfriend mentioned that he and his family have adopted a family in the past, and that was when I had my "AHA!" moment. I quickly searched the internet for organizations still looking for donors and was able to find one. After contacting them and getting information on a small family, I rushed to some stores and got what was requested and a few days later I dropped off gifts at the location that was taking the collections. It was a wonderful feeling knowing that I was able to help a family in need last Christmas. Below you will find the story of "The Night Before Christmas" retold in my words - may it be an inspiration for you this holiday, and if nothing else may it bring a smile to your face on this Christmas Eve night. 

Merry Christmas my friends! 

‘Twas the Week Before Christmas
... present, bokeh, christmas
Retold by: Brianna Gonzalez

A traditional story redelivered through the thoughts of a young woman who humbly sought to
bring a new kind of cheer to her family and friends during the Christmas this year.  

December 25th, 2016

‘Twas the week before Christmas and all through the house, not a creature was stirring… wait... was that a mouse?

Not a stocking was hung, there was no chimney to spare, and St Nicholas’ feast day had already been shared…

Lizzy was nestled all snug in her bed, while visions of chew toys danced in her head…

And me in my pj’s, had just eaten a gingersnap...finally settled for my long winter’s nap…

When all of the sudden there rose such a clatter -  it was more like noise in my brain, but that’s always the matter…

Upright I sat with a hot flash ensuing. The thoughts rushed through my head, and then started stewing…

My room was dark with just a slight glow , which came from the lamp post just outside my window…

So many wonderful people I care for with all of my heart... So many in fact, I made a chart!

Christmas was coming soon, what would I do? They all deserve presents, but my dollars were few…

When what to my wondering eyes appeared as I looked about, but a miniature Nativity that I had put out…

I remembered the characters  that we find in this scene, sweet Mary and Joseph and a sheep named Maureen…

Baby Jesus was coming in a manger to shiver,  God’s greatest gift to us already delivered.

Then in that moment I had an idea, It came without ribbons, it came without tags.
It came without packages, boxes, or bags.  
Maybe Christmas , I thought, doesn’t come from a store, maybe Christmas, perhaps, means a little bit more!

… Hold on, wait… I think that’s a different story …

I pulled out my laptop and started to look, and to no surprise, there were plenty of families with not much to cook, not many toys or even a book!

As I scrolled the stories and tears filled my eyes, I found one small family who could use some gifts from the Magi…  

I chose to adopt them in all of our names, they’ve received clothing and food and quite a few games!
I hope that this story has brought joy to your life, and that this Christmas is still very merry and bright…

...and with that I will say Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!

“Ms. Gonzalez’s retelling of ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas’ is wise and downright hilarious!” The NY Times

“Brilliant and inspirational!” Jane Austen, Award Winning Author

“As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands, one for helping yourself, the other for helping others.” Audrey Hepburn
“God bless us, everyone!” Tiny Tim

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

A Brave Recipe for You: Recipe no. 1

PSA: True story. I have ADHD, so while I want to write posts every day and have a huge following, the reality is it's extremely difficult for me.  I don't think my writing is all too exciting, but a big "Thank You" to those who do read and patiently await the next post ;)

Moving on... as many of you saw a few weeks ago, I 100% left my cooking comfort zone and dabbled in some Indian spices... WOAH. I was pleasantly surprised for a couple of reasons. First of all, I didn't follow any recipes so it really was an experiment. Secondly, for never having used these spices and not following a recipe this meal was REALLY good! It could be 100% Vegan/Vegetarian, but since I still enjoy eating meat & poultry, I also added chicken in the end for some protein. The meal has a good number of ingredients that have plenty of nutritional values, making the meal well rounded, healthy AND delicious!

I can't promise that this recipe will be well written, so forgive me if this isn't perfect, but I can promise that it was delicious!

Here we go!!

Chicken - Marinate the chicken for at least 20 minutes
4-6 Thin Sliced Chicken breast (skinless)
2 teaspoons of refined coconut oil (or any fat of your choice)
1 Tablespoon chopped garlic
1-2 Lime(s) (use the whole limes for juice)
1 Tablespoon powered ginger
1 teaspoon organic honey
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon fresh cracked pepper

Mix all ingredients together in a medium sized bowl, cover and let it sit for a minimum of 20 minutes. Once the chicken has marinated you can pull out a medium sized pan and place it over medium heat. When the pan is hot, place the pieces of chicken in be sear - thin sliced chicken takes about 2-3 minutes per side and should brown nicely. Be careful not to have the heat too high or you may wind up with burnt chicken instead!

When the chicken is done place it aside to rest for a few minutes before slicing it.

Red Lentil Curry
3 Tablespoons of Trader Joe's Mango Curry chutney
1 Cup Red Lentils
1/2 Cup Vegetable Stock (you can add more if needed)
1 Cup Coconut Milk
1 Tablespoon Curry powder
2 Tablespoons Turmeric powder
Salt & Pepper to taste

Place pot on the stove at medium heat. Next, add your ingredients to the pot and bring the mixture to a simmer. Lower the heat and let the mixture simmer until the lentils have softened and are ready to eat. Add vegetable stock as needed (if you have the heat too high, the liquids will evaporate rather quickly)

Follow the directions on the bag/box - that's what I did :)

"Mom... are you going to share that with me?"
After all is said and done, pull out a bowl and get ready to serve. Layer your meal with couscous on the bottom,  lentils poured over, and (for my omnivore friends) place the slices of chicken on top. Garnish as you please and Enjoy!

Stay brave my friends and keep an open mind to the possibilities that world of nutritional meals has to offer ;)

Tuesday, April 25, 2017


It's a little word, only four letters long and yet it defines so many aspects of our lives. We find it at social gatherings and on dates, enjoy it with our families, use it in times of sorrow or celebration. We are constantly surrounded by food from all corners of the world, various allergy and personal choice options (vegetarian, vegan, gluten free, etc) are more accessible than ever, and overall we just can't get away from it... but maybe we shouldn't be trying to get away from it. Maybe we should be embracing food, finding the nutritional values and using food to our benefit.

I can't even tell you how many times I started a new diet and by the end of the week I am starving, hating myself for thinking this is the only way to lose 5 or 10 pounds, exhausted and fatigued because I am simply not getting enough of whatever it is my body needs to survive and just downright HUNGRY

I wouldn't say that I've always been the healthiest eater or that I exercise every single day, because that my friends would be a very big lie. But, something clicked in my head just over a year ago and it made me think about how I treat my body. The late night snacking and lack of exercise was starting to catch up (it's true, it's all down hill after 25).  I wasn't overweight by much, but when my jeans wouldn't button and my dresses were too snug for comfort, I knew some changes needed to be made. I realized that with the health conditions that run on both sides of my family, I would need to take better care of myself. Then a thought occurred to me... knowing most of my family medical history had shaped the idea in my head that I must be healthy and healthy meant skinny... but what if just being skinny isn't actually healthy? I proceeded to do something about this thought that was ravaging my brain. I studied nutrition and received a Nutritional Therapist certificate just so I could learn more about food and how it should be used to help maintain a healthy lifestyle. Here I am just about a year later and I am happy to say that not only did a lose a little weight (thanks to proper diet and a little exercise now and then) but my overall wellness has increased significantly! There are, of course, several factors that go into this newer, happier me and those will be written about eventually. For now though, I'd like to stick FOOD.

French Roast Coffee w/ 
Whole Milk & a teaspoon of honey;
GF Toast with Veggie/Omega-3 Spread 
and Grade B Maple Syrup
Quick Lesson and then on to some fun stuff: Food is important. We need it to live and survive. There are antioxidants which we actually should be seeking far more of. See, antioxidants essentially assist our bodies to get rid of the pollutants that are effectively killing us. Scary stuff, but not so scary if you go eat some blueberries or throw some matcha powder in your protein shake. As for mental health, our bodies need certain vitamins and minerals for #NUTRITION in order to function properly... why on earth does no one ever think of how important these nutrients are for our cognitive function!? THEY ARE. Please reduce your refined sugars, artificial flavors/colors and go get some Omega-3 in your bods!

Good food equals better quality of life #TrueStory

So here's the fun part!!! I've come up with a little acronym for FOOD to help me (and others) view food as an exciting part of life and enjoy the healthier things that are available. I hope you enjoy it and maybe put it to use ;)

Cuban Coffee w/ Whole Milk; GF Toast w/Lo-So Bacon,
Sliced Tomato & YUMMY Avocado Spread

Fun - First foremost: Food should be FUN! Not a chore or miserable. No matter what your lifestyle, medical history, or personal eating habits. Making and eating food should be enjoyable.

Observation/Opportunity - What is your family history? What are your favorite foods and how can you change them every so slightly to make them a healthier? Take this opportunity to learn about yourself, what your personal needs are and learn how food affects you!

Optimism  - Get happy, get excited! Look towards a brighter NEAR future where you don't feel sluggish, you sleep better, you can concentrate more effectively and LIVE YOUR happily ever food after!!

Diversity - Food and Culture go hand in hand like a happy couple walking through the park. Be sure to eat all of the food that works best with YOUR body's needs, so yes the vegetable intake with probably increase and your may even eat something weird once in a while like tofu, but remember that this is for your benefit!
However, everything in moderation my drink that glass of wine and eat that cheese.. just don't eat the whole block or drink the whole bottle (however, I am definitely #guilty) Embrace your culture (ethnicity, city, social groups, etc) and enjoy the cuisines that bring great joy through nostalgia and love.

If you'd like a little encouragement, maybe a meal plan, some detailed nutritional info, or just someone to chat with about some changes you'd like to make to achieve a healthier lifestyle,  feel free to send me an email here. I am looking forward to helping you towards your wellness goals

Be Brave and Believe in yourselves my friends <3

Friday, February 17, 2017

Becoming a Proverbs 31 Woman (Or at Least Trying...)

Hello Ladies and Gents!

I often struggle with the word "feminist" - growing up I was always told I could be whatever I wanted to be. Being a girl did not, would not, could not, hinder me from becoming all that I wanted to be. Fast forward to my high school days (where I spent 95% of my time from the age of 14 to 18) I was fortunate enough to go to a wonderful school - an all girls school to be precise- where it was again embedded in me that nothing could stop me from achieving all of my goals on the sole basis of my gender. I have always believed in equality for men and women in the workplace, I love my rights to vote and own property and with all my heart hope that one day women can be treated with the same dignity and respect in the business world as men are. In fact I have seen with my own eyes the leaps and bounds that have been overcome in the insurance industry- an industry that was once dominated by men is now functioning successfully with MANY women in charge, but that does not mean we don't have a long way to go. But here is my struggle with the word "feminist"... do I not also have to the right to be a wife and mother one day? If I choose to not work any longer because I want my sole focus to be my family life, should I be penalized or looked down upon by other women because I've chosen a path that they might not agree with? I think not. 

I've chosen to share a passage from the Bible that has always struck a cord in me. Proverbs 31:10-31  Now, I am not going to go through EVERY single verse here, or try to give a biblical explanation of things - I am simply sharing with you all how this passage has affected my life and how it might help show you that you CAN be and do all that you want to be and do. I feel that this passage embodies feminism in its true form of equality without bringing the negative connotation that it often comes with.

For those of you out there who have no idea what I am talking about - the book of Proverbs in the Bible has a distinct chapter on a woman who all in all is pretty freaking awesome. You may have seen or heard some quotes from the chapter or even without realizing are living your life quite closely to how this awesome woman does. Click here for the short read ;)  Proverbs 31:10-31 (That's chapter 31, verses 10 through 31)

For the rest of you who know what I am talking about, you know the difficulty of actually trying to achieve living this way, but if we break it down I think it's completely possible to achieve the greatness of this woman. Here we go!...

Verse 10
...Who can find a woman of worth? Far beyond jewels is her value...

Right off the bat we have something inspirational! A woman of worth, she's valued more than jewels.. but why? What makes her so valuable, how is she so precious that not even the cost of pricey jewels can match her worth? **(important side note: she's a human being and I am pretty certain that the author was not implying that she is worth a monetary value)**   I will say this, I know damn well that I am worth a helluva lot! Let's move on so we can see where her worth and value stem from... 

Verses 13 - 14, 19, 22 and 24
13. She seeks out wool and flax and weaves with skillful hands. 14. Like a merchant fleet, she secures her provisions from afar.... 19. She puts her hands to the distaff, and her fingers ply the spindle.... 22. She makes her own *coverlets; fine linen and purple are her clothing 24. She makes garments and sells them, and stocks the merchants with belts.
Wow. Just wow. The woman seeks out her materials and spins it into threads, she runs her business and not only that but then she takes to the sewing machine and MAKES her *bedspreads?! Well let me tell you - I have never spun my own thread or sewn anything other than the hem on a skirt, but here is how I have interpreted this and brought a modern twist to it:  Go out there and get what you need to make a living! This is a married woman with children we are talking about, yet here she is taking the serious amount of time to build a business from scratch.. we see more of this in the next verse....  (side bar: purple clothing at this time was a sign up hierarchy and royalty.. so this was not a woman who necessarily HAD to work and make a living, she CHOOSES to do so fervently..) #BossBabe

Verses 16, 17 and 18
16. She picks out a field and acquires it; from her earnings she plants a vineyard. 17. She girds herself with strength; she exerts her arms with vigor. 18. She enjoys the profit from her dealings; and her lamp is never extinguished at night

Well hello there.. she bought land, and with the profits (probably from her cool threads and cloths that she sold) she PLANTS A FREAKING VINEYARD!.. oh wait, what's that? She also ENJOYS the profits from her dealings and her lamp (aka: the light which shines into the late nights that she works) never goes out? How can this be so? We're talking about a lady from the old testament of the Bible.. this was not a time where women would work and and make money! FALSE. She could and she DID! She works hard and is a light for all to follow.  Also.. she has a vineyard... I wouldn't mind being her thus far (who doesn't want wine always flowing!?) 

Verses 25, 26, 27, 28 and 29

25. She is clothed with strength and dignity, and laughs at the days to come. 26. She opens her mouth in wisdom; kindly instruction is on her tongue. 27. She watches over the affairs of her household, and does not eat the bread of idleness. 28. Her children rise up and call her blessed; her husband, too, praises her: 29. “Many are the women of proven worth, but you have excelled them all.”

This is probably my favorite part of this chapter... this passage truly personifies what it is to be a woman (at least to me) ; we are strong in many ways (physically, emotionally, spiritually, and pretty much any other "-ally" you can think of) She is DIGNIFIED, my goodness, I am not sure that many women these days knows what this means, she knows that she deserves respect and so she emulates the things in her life that will gain her the respect she is owed- as a woman, as a human being. She is not LAZY, she works HARD and on top of that she handles everything that needs to be done in her home. Her children and her husband understand how valuable she is to their household and respect her greatly! My FAVORITE part "She laughs at the days to come".. no she's not making a joke- SHE'S HAPPY, genuinely, truly, sincerely HAPPY! Do you know why she is happy? Let's move on to the last two verses I'd like to review...

Verses 30 and 31 
30. Charm is deceptive and beauty fleeting; the woman who fears the LORD is to be praised. 31.  Acclaim her for the work of her hands, and let her deeds praise her at the city gates

So you see, she is happy because she fears the Lord.. now, this is not "oh my gosh, God is going to smite me" fear. This is reverent awe, a faith in a God who loves and in His goodness [all the good things He gives] she finds gladness. Moving on... I like to think I am charming, but genuinely so, not to be deceitful in any way.  I prefer to be sincere in all that I do. I know that when I get older I won't look the way I do now (granted I do my best to keep fit and all that stuff, but we all know that time eventually takes it's toll on us) but I do pray that all I do on this earth - that every heart I touch, every person I meet, every hand I extend, is seen by the Lord, and when I die and (GOD WILLING) get to those pearly gates, I hope St. Peter says "Well, you weren't perfect but neither was I, welcome to your Father's kingdom princess" 

Now, after all of that, you can't tell me this woman is not awesome. She's basically the Wonder Woman of the Old Testament! She does it ALL! Wife, mother, employer, business owner, worker- you name it she does it, and she does it all with Grace and Dignity! Also, this woman has an exceptional perspective on what the Proverbs 31 woman looks like today, and it's a really great read as well! 

This, THIS is the woman I hope to be one day. A woman of great honor, who is loved and respected, who is treated EQUALLY in all spaces. A woman who loves and cares for her husband and children. A woman who works with all of her might, speaks kindly, gives freely from her heart, is a light when someone feels lost, and loves the Lord above all else. 

I am certain that over the years I have come a long way, I know I have a long way to go, and I am on the way to having most of, if not all, the virtues of the Proverbs 31 Woman... 

**PLEASE NOTE: This has been written from my perspective and view. Please respect my opinions as I respect all others. Many thanks!**

Thursday, February 16, 2017

She Loves Me I Swear!
This is my first blog ever.

In this day and age, you'd think a 26 year old would have more experience with blogging or writing things for all the interweb to read... I guess I'm just not your typical 26 year old #ImNotObsessedWithSocialMedia

As I sit here sipping my Chai Latte (homemade.. well sort of... a tea bag and all natural coconut milk powder... don't judge me) and missing my puppy... I am thinking about what to write first. I've said on numerous occasions "I should start a blog" So I today I thought "What the heck, if not today, then when?" So here I am.. writing my first blog and not really sure where to go from here...

I have a million ideas that run through my head on a daily basis ("write about family no you should write about your life past and current! Or how about all of those cool Yoga things you like to do but aren't very good at?!") Today I decided I will write about it all- the joyful, the weird, the reminiscent, the sorrow, the awesome, the healthy, the unhealthy, the fitness, the laziness, the optimistic, the depression/anxiety, the ambitious, the ME! 

Be Brave and Believe is a motto I live by, it's snippet of one of my favorite quotes and I do my best to go by this every day. It pushes me to try new things, go beyond what I limit myself to, and more importantly believe that the outcome will be a good one.  Life has it's struggles and will forever hand you those forsaken "lemons" that everyone is always talking about but, personally, I like lemons. Lemons are a funny thing- they're yellow and have this callus skin, yet on the inside they have the sour yet sweet pulp that can enhance and brighten almost every dish you can imagine. It's funny how something that can seem so harsh is, in the end, a wonderful improvement in your life. 

"Brave is holding on to hope and believing in a happy ending"

(A special shout out to my dear friend who doesn't know it - well now she'll know-  but inspired me to start writing... check out her blog here: )