Tuesday, July 18, 2017

A Brave Recipe for You: Recipe no. 1

PSA: True story. I have ADHD, so while I want to write posts every day and have a huge following, the reality is it's extremely difficult for me.  I don't think my writing is all too exciting, but a big "Thank You" to those who do read and patiently await the next post ;)

Moving on... as many of you saw a few weeks ago, I 100% left my cooking comfort zone and dabbled in some Indian spices... WOAH. I was pleasantly surprised for a couple of reasons. First of all, I didn't follow any recipes so it really was an experiment. Secondly, for never having used these spices and not following a recipe this meal was REALLY good! It could be 100% Vegan/Vegetarian, but since I still enjoy eating meat & poultry, I also added chicken in the end for some protein. The meal has a good number of ingredients that have plenty of nutritional values, making the meal well rounded, healthy AND delicious!

I can't promise that this recipe will be well written, so forgive me if this isn't perfect, but I can promise that it was delicious!

Here we go!!

Chicken - Marinate the chicken for at least 20 minutes
4-6 Thin Sliced Chicken breast (skinless)
2 teaspoons of refined coconut oil (or any fat of your choice)
1 Tablespoon chopped garlic
1-2 Lime(s) (use the whole limes for juice)
1 Tablespoon powered ginger
1 teaspoon organic honey
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon fresh cracked pepper

Mix all ingredients together in a medium sized bowl, cover and let it sit for a minimum of 20 minutes. Once the chicken has marinated you can pull out a medium sized pan and place it over medium heat. When the pan is hot, place the pieces of chicken in be sear - thin sliced chicken takes about 2-3 minutes per side and should brown nicely. Be careful not to have the heat too high or you may wind up with burnt chicken instead!

When the chicken is done place it aside to rest for a few minutes before slicing it.

Red Lentil Curry
3 Tablespoons of Trader Joe's Mango Curry chutney
1 Cup Red Lentils
1/2 Cup Vegetable Stock (you can add more if needed)
1 Cup Coconut Milk
1 Tablespoon Curry powder
2 Tablespoons Turmeric powder
Salt & Pepper to taste

Place pot on the stove at medium heat. Next, add your ingredients to the pot and bring the mixture to a simmer. Lower the heat and let the mixture simmer until the lentils have softened and are ready to eat. Add vegetable stock as needed (if you have the heat too high, the liquids will evaporate rather quickly)

Follow the directions on the bag/box - that's what I did :)

"Mom... are you going to share that with me?"
After all is said and done, pull out a bowl and get ready to serve. Layer your meal with couscous on the bottom,  lentils poured over, and (for my omnivore friends) place the slices of chicken on top. Garnish as you please and Enjoy!

Stay brave my friends and keep an open mind to the possibilities that world of nutritional meals has to offer ;)