Tuesday, April 25, 2017


It's a little word, only four letters long and yet it defines so many aspects of our lives. We find it at social gatherings and on dates, enjoy it with our families, use it in times of sorrow or celebration. We are constantly surrounded by food from all corners of the world, various allergy and personal choice options (vegetarian, vegan, gluten free, etc) are more accessible than ever, and overall we just can't get away from it... but maybe we shouldn't be trying to get away from it. Maybe we should be embracing food, finding the nutritional values and using food to our benefit.

I can't even tell you how many times I started a new diet and by the end of the week I am starving, hating myself for thinking this is the only way to lose 5 or 10 pounds, exhausted and fatigued because I am simply not getting enough of whatever it is my body needs to survive and just downright HUNGRY

I wouldn't say that I've always been the healthiest eater or that I exercise every single day, because that my friends would be a very big lie. But, something clicked in my head just over a year ago and it made me think about how I treat my body. The late night snacking and lack of exercise was starting to catch up (it's true, it's all down hill after 25).  I wasn't overweight by much, but when my jeans wouldn't button and my dresses were too snug for comfort, I knew some changes needed to be made. I realized that with the health conditions that run on both sides of my family, I would need to take better care of myself. Then a thought occurred to me... knowing most of my family medical history had shaped the idea in my head that I must be healthy and healthy meant skinny... but what if just being skinny isn't actually healthy? I proceeded to do something about this thought that was ravaging my brain. I studied nutrition and received a Nutritional Therapist certificate just so I could learn more about food and how it should be used to help maintain a healthy lifestyle. Here I am just about a year later and I am happy to say that not only did a lose a little weight (thanks to proper diet and a little exercise now and then) but my overall wellness has increased significantly! There are, of course, several factors that go into this newer, happier me and those will be written about eventually. For now though, I'd like to stick FOOD.

French Roast Coffee w/ 
Whole Milk & a teaspoon of honey;
GF Toast with Veggie/Omega-3 Spread 
and Grade B Maple Syrup
Quick Lesson and then on to some fun stuff: Food is important. We need it to live and survive. There are antioxidants which we actually should be seeking far more of. See, antioxidants essentially assist our bodies to get rid of the pollutants that are effectively killing us. Scary stuff, but not so scary if you go eat some blueberries or throw some matcha powder in your protein shake. As for mental health, our bodies need certain vitamins and minerals for #NUTRITION in order to function properly... why on earth does no one ever think of how important these nutrients are for our cognitive function!? THEY ARE. Please reduce your refined sugars, artificial flavors/colors and go get some Omega-3 in your bods!

Good food equals better quality of life #TrueStory

So here's the fun part!!! I've come up with a little acronym for FOOD to help me (and others) view food as an exciting part of life and enjoy the healthier things that are available. I hope you enjoy it and maybe put it to use ;)

Cuban Coffee w/ Whole Milk; GF Toast w/Lo-So Bacon,
Sliced Tomato & YUMMY Avocado Spread

Fun - First foremost: Food should be FUN! Not a chore or miserable. No matter what your lifestyle, medical history, or personal eating habits. Making and eating food should be enjoyable.

Observation/Opportunity - What is your family history? What are your favorite foods and how can you change them every so slightly to make them a healthier? Take this opportunity to learn about yourself, what your personal needs are and learn how food affects you!

Optimism  - Get happy, get excited! Look towards a brighter NEAR future where you don't feel sluggish, you sleep better, you can concentrate more effectively and LIVE YOUR happily ever food after!!

Diversity - Food and Culture go hand in hand like a happy couple walking through the park. Be sure to eat all of the food that works best with YOUR body's needs, so yes the vegetable intake with probably increase and your may even eat something weird once in a while like tofu, but remember that this is for your benefit!
However, everything in moderation my friends..so drink that glass of wine and eat that cheese.. just don't eat the whole block or drink the whole bottle (however, I am definitely #guilty) Embrace your culture (ethnicity, city, social groups, etc) and enjoy the cuisines that bring great joy through nostalgia and love.

If you'd like a little encouragement, maybe a meal plan, some detailed nutritional info, or just someone to chat with about some changes you'd like to make to achieve a healthier lifestyle,  feel free to send me an email here. I am looking forward to helping you towards your wellness goals

Be Brave and Believe in yourselves my friends <3

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