Thursday, February 16, 2017

She Loves Me I Swear!
This is my first blog ever.

In this day and age, you'd think a 26 year old would have more experience with blogging or writing things for all the interweb to read... I guess I'm just not your typical 26 year old #ImNotObsessedWithSocialMedia

As I sit here sipping my Chai Latte (homemade.. well sort of... a tea bag and all natural coconut milk powder... don't judge me) and missing my puppy... I am thinking about what to write first. I've said on numerous occasions "I should start a blog" So I today I thought "What the heck, if not today, then when?" So here I am.. writing my first blog and not really sure where to go from here...

I have a million ideas that run through my head on a daily basis ("write about family no you should write about your life past and current! Or how about all of those cool Yoga things you like to do but aren't very good at?!") Today I decided I will write about it all- the joyful, the weird, the reminiscent, the sorrow, the awesome, the healthy, the unhealthy, the fitness, the laziness, the optimistic, the depression/anxiety, the ambitious, the ME! 

Be Brave and Believe is a motto I live by, it's snippet of one of my favorite quotes and I do my best to go by this every day. It pushes me to try new things, go beyond what I limit myself to, and more importantly believe that the outcome will be a good one.  Life has it's struggles and will forever hand you those forsaken "lemons" that everyone is always talking about but, personally, I like lemons. Lemons are a funny thing- they're yellow and have this callus skin, yet on the inside they have the sour yet sweet pulp that can enhance and brighten almost every dish you can imagine. It's funny how something that can seem so harsh is, in the end, a wonderful improvement in your life. 

"Brave is holding on to hope and believing in a happy ending"

(A special shout out to my dear friend who doesn't know it - well now she'll know-  but inspired me to start writing... check out her blog here: )

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