Wednesday, February 21, 2018

“Don’t worry, be happy”

It doesn't feel like you're gone. 

It doesn't feel like it's been 20 days since you took your last breath on this earth. 

It doesn't feel like you won't be there when I go down the stairs to visit with you for a while. 

It doesn't feel like I can't pick up the phone and call you to hear you say "Biii?! How are you baby?!" 

Yet, every time I remember that all of those things it doesn't feel like are real, my heart breaks all over again. It's like a nightmare that I can't wake up from, constantly recurring. 

To the grandfather every person deserves, but I was lucky enough to have... 

For twenty-seven years you watched me. You watched as I painted pictures on walls and patiently waited for me to hand you nails as you fixed things around the house. You watched as I grew from a little girl, to a young girl, fast -forward to a teenager and nearly straight into adulthood.

For twenty-seven years you protected me. You forewarned me about boys with bad intentions, lended advice (even if during my teenage years it wasn't always adhered to) and made sure I was always safe in whatever adventure I was getting in to. You told me which roads to avoid and which ones were safe. You made sure to teach me how to check the oil in my car and maintain it for a smooth ride. 

For twenty-seven years you cared for me. You provided food and shelter. You put your spare time into helping us build a home. You made sure that I always had a dollar in my pocket plus enough for gas. 

For twenty-seven years you loved me. With battles of "I love you more" and all the hugs a girl can use. With stories of my early years, and telling me I couldn't possibly love you more because you knew me first. With your sacrifices you taught me to love unconditionally. You'd hold my hand and tell me everything would be okay, even when in my heart of hearts I didn't think it would. 

All of this was just in the 27 years that I got to spend with you. There was so much more love and so many sacrifices well before I ever came along, but I'll save that for my book...

You gave everything you had in you to, not just me, but all of your girls. We have been so blessed to have had such an amazing man as the patriarch of our family. A man who was fair, honest, compassionate, loving, and quite humorous. A man who would have genuinely given the shirt off his back for someone in need and never expected anything in return. A man who loved his family and THIS country. A tinkerer, a mechanic, a friend and a good shot with a BB Gun ;) 

Thank you. Thank you for loving us and sacrificing so much so that your family could be well-protected and cared for. Thank you for teaching me to not turn my back on those in need, but instead offer assistance. Thank you for every incredible memory, from the ones I can't remember because I was too young to recall but you told be all about, to the very last time I got to hear you tell the nurses that I was your baby. I will always cherish every moment.

I will never forget you, and while certain things may fade, you will always remain in my heart. I will do my best in life to make you proud and I promise that I will try not worry and be happy like you always told me to. I love you Abuelo. 

"Oh wow! God Bless America!!" -Armando Escalona. February 20th, 1941 - February 1st, 2017
Incredible husband, father, grandfather, great grandfather and friend to all who had the pleasure of knowing him.